Jolanda van Heijningen

“By using language and visuals, we can create the future today.”

As senior consultant/deputy director, Jolanda van Heijningen (Economics & Linguistics, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) keeps track of De Ruijter Strategy’s project portfolio. In addition to managing projects and writing and editing strategic reports, she is also the first point of contact for clients.

In the last few years, Jolanda has worked on foresight and strategy projects for (among others) pension funds, ministries, local governments, housing corporations, and the Dutch Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers.

Before joining De Ruijter Strategy in 2003, Jolanda worked as a copywriter and direct marketing specialist at Yves Rocher and Fortis Bank, where she learned that details can make or break the end result of a project. This insight still serves her well in her day-to-day work for De Ruijter Strategy.

In her free time, Jolanda enjoys life with her family, both in the Netherlands and abroad.